My name is Lisa Van Der Wielen and I am a Teacher, Writer and Creator from Perth, Western Australia. The name HOLEHEARTED is more than just a play on words. I was born with a Congenital Heart Defect - a hole in the heart, requiring several heart surgeries throughout my life. When both of my daughters were born with the same condition, Congenital Heart Disease became a matter very close to my heart.
Going through difficult challenges in life inspired me to become a writer, publishing children's books that support the local charities Perth Children's Hospital, Ronald McDonald House Charities Western Australia and Heart Kids Australia.
I have decided to put my love for words and poetry into an even greater cause, creating greeting cards with heart felt messages for a hearty cause. These wholehearted cards are more than just words, with 10% of all sales donated to Heart Kids.
Thank you for supporting my work and thank you for supporting this worthy charity.
Lisa xxx